Barker Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2LH


Woodland View Primary School

  1. News
  3. Peacocks - Forest School Letter

Peacocks - Forest School Letter

25 February 2020 (by Jodie Binch (Jbinch))

Dear Parents and Carers,


Your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions this half term.

The sessions will start on Friday 28th February then run every Friday afternoon until Easter.


What is Forest Schools?

Forest Schools is a fun, exciting way to learn in our outdoor setting. It is proven to improve children’s confidence, self-esteem and communication skills, as well as giving them an opportunity to have lots of fun! The children also develop skills in team work, using tools safely and learning about looking after our woodlands. All activities take place on the school site and are led by a qualified Forest School Leader.


What will my child need?

Forest Schools will happen in all weathers so please can you provide a change of clothing.


For example:

  • A warm pair of old trousers (eg, jogging bottoms)
  • A warm jumper or fleece
  • A pair of wellies or walking boots
  • On cold days - extra socks, hat and gloves. Layers of clothing work well to keep your child warm and comfortable.


We have enough waterproof coats for every child to wear but children are welcome to bring their own from home. Waterproof trousers are also really useful for wet days.

Children WILL get dirty so please only send your child to school with clothes that you don’t mind getting muddy.


If you have any questions, please speak to myself or your child’s class teacher.


Many thanks,


Mrs Hardy– Forest School Leader