Barker Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2LH


Woodland View Primary School

  1. News
  3. Year 1 Autumn Newsletter

Year 1 Autumn Newsletter

11 September 2019 (by Jodie Binch (Jbinch))



I hope you have all had a brilliant summer holidays!   I am really looking forward to working with the children in Daisies over the coming year.


This half term our topic is TOYS.  We will be starting our topic off with our visit to Sudbury Hall.  Please remember that this needs to have been paid by Friday 6th   September.  This visit will give the children an opportunity to investigate lots of old toys.  We will then be basing our topic work on what we found out and experienced on our trip.


In English our work will be based on Lost in the Toy Museum and Toys in Space.  We will be focusing on composing sentences orally, using our  phonic knowledge to help spell words and writing sentences.


We will be basing our reading lessons on This is the Bear and the Scary Night and

Kipper’s Toybox.   This year we will also be carrying on with the reading challenges, I will send more information about this at a later date.


In Maths we will focus on number and place value, addition and subtraction, 2D and 3D shapes, and measurement. Again, there are many areas of maths that we will be covering that your child can practise without resources. It is highly beneficial for your child to count each day. We will be practising counting to 100 in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.



Homework consists of a variety of activities.  Your child does not have to do them all.  You can choose 4 or 5 to complete. Please keep all of your child’s homework together, ready to return to school on the last week of the half term. Children who have the highest 3 scores will receive a prize. I do not expect homework to be completed each week, it can be done at a time that is convenient to you. The higher point projects may take you longer to complete.  I hope you have fun with some of the activities!


I have sent your child home with a book based on the book band they were on at the end of the last academic year. Over the next few weeks I will be assessing them on their reading.  Therefore their book band colour may change.

Reading books should be brought every day. Each morning your child will have the    opportunity to change their book.


In class we will be using Classdojo as a reward system.  I also use this as a means to communicate information daily and weekly to the parents.  Thank you to all the       parents that have download the app already.


Points to remember:

  • P.E this term is on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child has suitable footwear and clothing (black jogging bottoms/shorts and a white t-shirt) and all items have names on;
  • We will be taking part in Forest Schools this half term on a Thursday afternoon.

        Please send forest school clothes in a bag with your child in the morning.

  • Children are able to bring a bottle of water to school to drink throughout the day, please be reminded that juice is not allowed in class.
  • They may also bring a healthy snack for playtime, or money if they wish to visit the tuck shop. A piece of fruit is available for your child at playtime.


Any concerns please do not hesitate to come and see me!


Miss Turner