Barker Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2LH


Woodland View Primary School

  1. News
  3. Family Picnic

Family Picnic

11 July 2019 (by Jodie Binch (Jbinch))

Dear Parents, Carers and Grandparents,

We are holding our Family Picnic on Wednesday July 24th during lunchtime.

Children who receive a free school dinner will have a picnic lunch provided on that day. If you wish to pay for a

picnic lunch for your child, please order online. The arrangements are as follows:

Nursery am will have been collected and can join everyone in the school field.

Nursey pm – come early at 12 noon to have lunch then take them to nursery as usual.

F2-Y2 will come out to the field at 12.00pm and will line up in their usual place in the playground at

1.00pm if they are staying at school.

Y3-Y6 will come out to the field at 12.15pm and will line up in their usual place in the playground at

1.10pm if they are staying at school.

Your child will be your responsibility during the picnic as the dinner staff will monitor our other children on the

playground. You may take your children home at 1pm if you wish.

We look forward to seeing you.


Family Picnic – please fill in a slip for each child for their class teacher’s records by Fri 19th July

My child will be joining our family on the field for lunch on 24th July

Child’s name___________________________Class___________________
