Barker Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2LH


Woodland View Primary School

  1. News
  3. Letter to Parents (28/01/2019)

Letter to Parents (28/01/2019)

28 January 2019 (by Jodie Binch (Jbinch))

Dear Parents/Carers At Woodland View Primary, your child’s education and welfare is our number one priority.

All of the staff here are passionate about every single child achieving their very best potential. That is why we believe every new day presents endless possibilities.

We know that parents and carers are passionate about their children too. For this reason, we have an open door policy. We are here to help and are happy to discuss any concerns with you, so that they can be quickly resolved. We expect that you will raise any concerns in a calm, considered and caring way. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of you do.

Our staff have every right to be treated with respect and courtesy. We will not tolerate any member of staff being subjected to aggressive, intimidating or violent behaviour, which causes them to feel threatened. This particularly relates to physical behaviour, but can also include comments made on social media. Any instances of aggressive, intimidating or violent behaviour, whether they be physical or through social media, will be reported by staff to the Headteacher and Governors.

Following a few specific instances of staff being physically threatened and slanderous comments on Facebook, the Governing Body has reluctantly found it necessary to adopt a new policy for dealing with abusive parents or carers. The policy can be found on our website under the Parents Zone section. This policy sets out the forms of behaviour that are considered unacceptable and threatening in nature. The policy allows for the school to provide the ultimate sanction of banning an abusive parent or carer from the school’s premises and reporting the matter to the police. Where the police become involved, the matter could result in a prosecution and fine.

We respect the right of our staff to feel safe and secure in their professional working environment. We sincerely hope you will continue to work with us to ensure it will never become necessary to apply this policy to any parent or carer of children at Woodland View.

Kind Regards


Mrs Janice Addison

Chair of Governors