Barker Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2LH


Woodland View Primary School

  1. News
  3. Mehndi - Year 5

Mehndi - Year 5

20 December 2018 (by Jodie Binch (Jbinch))

As part of our Inkredible week, we are looking at Mehndi henna tattoos.

Children will be given the opportunity to have their very own Mehndi tattoo on their hand using face paints. Please complete the permission slip below and return as soon as possible.


Thank you for your support,


The Year 5 team







Child’s name ______________________________________


I give permission for my child to have face paint on their hand



I do not give permission for my child to have face paint on their hand



Signed __________________________