Barker Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2LH


Woodland View Primary School

  1. News
  3. Autumn Book Hamper Raffle

Autumn Book Hamper Raffle

17 October 2018 (by Jodie Binch (Jbinch))

To help us raise money for new books in school, we have an Autumn-themed book hamper to raffle off.

Books include, Enid Blyton, Mr Stink by David Walliams, Mog the cat and many other titles (more than you can see in the picture!). The value of the hamper is over £100 worth of books. Tickets will be £1 per entry and we will issue the tickets and draw a name in assembly on Friday 26th October. The winner will win the whole basket of books. Please send your money and slip to your class teacher or the school office before 9am on Friday 26th October.



Mrs Stewart